Haworth and Oxenhope District
Bridleways Group
February 2013
Welcome to 2013
And what a start to the year!! Having dug ourselves out of the snow, all we need to do now is wait for the water to subside and pray that Spring really is around the corner. Who would bet money on a warm, dry Summer, though I suspect that horse-owners must figure amongst the most optimistic of the population or we wouldn’t do what we do for our little darlings, would we? I keep telling mine that I don’t actually keep them just to look pretty and that the day of reckoning (i.e. serious work) is coming; remember what the weather was like last March! I have a feeling that there will be a lot of remedial work needed on our local bridleways when we can finally get on to them again, so YOUR HELP WILL BE NEEDED!
If you haven’t already been checking this out, please do have a look. At last, we have an updated, working, interactive website at www.hodbg.org which now replaces the Proboards site. Many thanks to Vickie for all her hard work and persistence. Now she needs your photos to choose a background for the site.
Membership for 2013 is now due.
For details, and Membership Form for new members, please
Discounts at local stores
We are working hard to try to sign up local businesses (of interest to horsey people) to offer a discount to our members, on production of a current Membership Card, in return for advertising on the website. To date, we can offer the following:
Haworth Pet and Equestrian Supplies – 5% discount on all purchases.
Sharon Wilmot (Rug Washing), Express Laundromat, 44 Sackville Street, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD232PS.
Linton Greenwood & Co Insurance (01535 644095) - £20 discount or enhanced veterans’ cover for members.
AGM 2012 Awards
In November 2012 the annual awards were presented to the following lucky winners:
Most Enthusiastic Junior Archie Clavin
Most Improved Junior Abigail Kershaw
Most Supportive Member Pat Greenwood
Most Improved Senior Angela Parker
Annual Achievement Award Angie Kirtley
Junior Dressage Competition 1st - Abigail Kershaw
2nd – Jenna Wilkinson
Junior Fledglings 1st - Aimee Moses
2nd= Abigail Kershaw and Faye Andrew
Senior Fledglings 1st - Fiona Tiley
2nd – Charlotte Richardson
3rd – Yvette Richardson
Senior Dressage 1st = – Angela Parker and Hollie Postlethwaite
2nd – Adrienne Forrest
3rd – Vickie McRae
Ride For Miles Winner Abbie Pell
Forthcoming events
Haworth and Oxenhope District Bridleways Group exists to safeguard our local bridleways. The events we hold highlight these and help to raise funds for their protection and extension. At the January meeting, members were full of ideas for events and speakers this year, which the committee is now in the process of exploring and organising. Details are sketchy as yet but we have set some dates, so please make a note of these and try to keep some free so you can join in. It does, perhaps, need saying that we try very hard to pick dates and venues to suit as many people as possible but please remember “you can’t please all of the people all of the time”
Monthly Meetings
These are all held at The Old White Lion, Haworth. Junior Meetings start at 6.45pm and are followed by the Senior Meeting at 8pm. As well as sharing information, we have a talk by a visiting speaker (usually lasting around 45 minutes, followed by questions), a raffle and a chance to socialise.
We always welcome suggestions for speakers, or perhaps you would like to come and give a talk yourself. As you can see, we are still in the process of booking speakers for this year. Please contact any committee member with details.
Date Speaker/Subject
22.01.2013 Members ideas/Social Meeting
19.02.2013 “Pat-a-Pony” Charity – Susan Dunne
26.03.2013 The legalities of horse ownership – Michael Bower (Turner & Wall)
23.04.2013 Michael Darwin, Local Farrier
21.05.2013 To Be Confirmed
18.06.2013 TBC
23.07.2013 TBC
20.08.2013 TBC
24.09.2013 TBC
22.10.2013 John Millar (Aireworth Vets) TBC
19.11.2013 AGM
We do not hold a meeting in December
Pleasure Rides
As last year’s rides were poorly attended, the committee has decided to focus on fewer, better rides in 2013, with a focus on the Calder-Aire Link and the Great Northern Trail. Dates as follows:
Monday 6th May (to include decorated May Day competition), Sunday 21st July and Sunday 29th September.
There will also be a Pub Ride around Oxenhope on Saturday 10th August and our annual Poppy Day Ride on Sunday 10th November.
Mount up for Manorlands
This will be running again this year, on Sunday 26th May, at Coniston Cold. Many members took part last year, either as riders or stewards, so watch this space for further details. Alternatively, full details can be found on www.sueryder.org
Dressage Competitions
In response to requests from members, the dates for 2013 have been divided between Saturdays and Sundays. We hope this will not deter our usual competitors, but will encourage some new ones.
The hardest part of the organisation is finding judges, especially those who will commit in advance, so if anyone has possible contacts, please let Gill know – or better still, twist their arms and persuade them to sign up for a slot.
Date Location Tests
20.04.2012 Clough House Farm, Oakworth Introductory A, P4, P13
15.06.2012 TBC Intro B, P13, P14
28.07.2012 TBC Intro A, P14, P18, N28
08.09.2012 Lillyhall Livery Stables, Haworth Intro B P18, P12, N28
Annual Show
We are currently exploring the (very limited!!) options for a venue in order to make this as local as possible. If any member has a field that might be suitable, please let a committee member know. It does not need any special facilities as these can be hired for the day.
Riding & Road Safety Training
This is being arranged at Haworth RDA for March 19th and/or 24th, 1.00 – 2.30. This is for training only; there will be no exam or test! You don’t even need to have your own horse! Cost: Juniors £8/£13 if using RDA horse; Seniors £10/£15. Please contact Jane Clavin (clavincrew@btinternet.com)
if you would like a place.
Jane is also hoping to organise a visit to Robinsons – details later.
Middleham Racing Stables Open Day.
The annual Open Day will be held on Good Friday, March 29th. If there is sufficient interest we hope to organise a visit. Unfortunately, the Haworth Community Transport is not available on Bank Holidays, but it may be possible to arrange car sharing. Please contact Margaret O’Neill ( dmon142576@btinternet.com) if you are interested.
Also in the pipeline – possible Hunter Trial/Fun Shows/Trec Competitions/ 1-day Event
We are looking at several possibilities for at least one big event. WATCH THIS SPACE!